Writing a Business Blog?

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5 blogging strategies for Tulsa business owners

Running a blog is, in and of, itself a time conundrum. To say we don’t have time to write is equal to saying we have no time to pay our bills or work on employee reviews or plan our financial reviews.

First of all, let’s all be real here – we are all busy. To sit down and pound out some useful information in prose or “informatical style” is time consuming, especially if you are not in the mindset after having chaotic schedules and meetings all week. How do we keep up a good blog frequency?

To stay on track, here are 5 suggestions that help me stay on track:

  1. Identify the target: Figure out ahead time who you are writing to and stay on target with this – trust me! It works!
  2. Identify the trigger points: What is your point? (Hint: this is the title of your campaign) Now make some more points that support that. (Second hint: These are your topics) You’re on your way to developing a campaign.
  3. Make the title list: Now that you identified your triggers and topics, put them in titles. This title list is your editorial calendar.
  4. Make an editorial calendar: Put these titles on your calendar. At least 2 per week.
  5. Celebrate the beginning and the end: You should celebrate your beginnings and your endings to your campaign. It’s not easy but it is so worth it.

The idea of writing a business blog is to offer content that is educational and helpful to your audience. Take time to PLAN. This “plan” is insurance to put yourself at ease and enjoy the process. Without it you simply feel pressured and stressed to always come up with material.

Need more ideas for blogging strategies for Tulsa business owners? Just give us a shout!


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