How Social Media Aids Tulsa Inbound Marketing Solutions

Tulsa Financial Reporting Services


Why social media prospecting is important

I usually go to an executive luncheon once a month for owners and CEO’s of local businesses here in Tulsa and started wondering how many leaders actually use their social media accounts to find new prospects or leads. We all have come to know social media as the way to be “connected” and to share content and information but social media can be much more than that. 

Here’s a question for all of you: Do you monitor your social media accounts yourself for business chatter or do you have someone in-house or via consulting to do it for you?

If you are doing it yourself, I can assume that finding the time is not easy. I have been involved in social media for many years now and find that as it grows it also grows more complex!

A lot of times, using a good strategy and setting up task lists of what to look for in your social media accounts can help you get the most of your time online. In fact, social media prospecting has grown to be a viable source equal to that of cold-calling and knocking on doors. Glad those days are behind me!

If you haven’t considered looking into social media prospectin, chances are you are doing a pretty good job of networking and your pipeline is full. If you are looking to grow your prospect base, you should not discard the value of social media prospecting. 

Luxa offers Tulsa inbound marketing solutions and we realize how important this lead generation tool can be.  I run across business owners that are concerned about growth and dismiss the internet as a viable tool for growth. That’s a shame because times are changing from the days of cold-calling and telemarketing. 




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