Understanding Respect & Inclusion in the Workplace

Workplace Diversity

Now, more than ever before, we find ourselves in a workforce that is becoming more diverse generationally and culturally. As business owners and CEOs, we must have the tools that we need to ensure that we are creating an inclusive workplace culture in which everyone feels equally respected and included.

There are many ways to approach this topic. We have found, however, that the simplest approach is to focus on the ARC of diversity:

A – Acceptance

R – Respect

C – Connectedness


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First, we’re going to focus on the A in the ACR of diversity, acceptance. To create an environment of inclusion, we must ensure that everyone feels truly accepted and not merely tolerated in the workplace. Employees who feel accepted as a member of the team are more likely to engage and feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. 

These employees are also more enthusiastic about their positions. The key to acceptance is willingness – willingness to see other individuals just as important and as unique as yourself. One of the best ways to promote acceptance is to keep the lines of communication open within your organization.

“Listen without judgment and listen to understand.”


The R in the ARC of diversity stands for respect. When respect is given it communicates that an employee is valued and important. Promoting respect also increases productivity and can enhance creativity in the workplace. Every member of your organization deserves equal amounts of respect, regardless of their position or how long they have been working for your company.


The C in the ARC of diversity stands for connectedness. When we foster respect we can create connectedness while ensuring that we build greater, cohesive teams. When people feel connected, they have more success working as a cohesive team. 

Creating a connected workplace helps to ensure that each employee is engaged. Take the time to get to know your co-workers and peers, making sure that they feel valued and important.

In Conclusion

Verna Myers says, “Diversity is like being invited to the party and inclusion is being asked to dance.”

Diversity is based on representation and is quantitative. Inclusion is based on the engagements of the individual by the organization and is qualitative. Inclusion is the “secret sauce” that can truly move your organization’s diversity forward.

It’s important to know that inclusion starts with “I”. Regardless of your title, tenure, or position, it’s going to take everyone working together to bring about change.

“Because in the end, none of us are better than any of us.”

If we are to work together effectively, we must learn to understand and appreciate all differences. Our strength lies within our diversity. Inclusion does not just happen, we have to be intentional in our efforts daily.

Doing so will ensure that everyone feels accepted, respected, and connected within the workplace. Unless you make a conscious effort to be inclusive, exclusion may occur by default. It is important to assess how you are contributing to the inclusiveness of your workplace. Ask yourself, “Am I making sure that everyone feels valued, important, and that they belong here?” 

“And remember no one is perfect that’s why pencils have erasers.”

See the full video of this discussion below:

LUXA Enterprises specializes in HR services, outsource accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services. We match up with ideal candidates for services by allowing small to midsize businesses to increase focus on their growth through outsourcing. If you want to know how we can help you, contact us today!


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