5 Work-Life Balance Tips For Working Moms

Tulsa Payroll Services


Moms are entering the status of mom either before or during their employment in the U.S. than ever before. According to, “Women now make up half of all workers in the United States, with nearly 4 in 10 homes having a mom that is also a working mother.” Often times, women encounter a variety of mixed feelings of being a “mommy”, divided among feelings of guilt and stress. 

A new report from eMarketer found that while the majority of mothers in the United States work (7 in 10, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics), many of them feel stressed by the struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Thirty-eight percent of mothers who worked full time, along with 25 percent of mothers who worked part time, said that it was “very difficult” to balance work and family, according to a survey from and Yahoo Parenting, eMarketer reported. 

What is work-life-balance to you?

Many times moms feel the pressure of balancing family and work due to many arguing points. Knowing what to do about it can be just as hard. The one thing that challenges the “Type A” personalities – is their pride. Asking for help requires humility, but finding support can be play a big part in a successful professional role.

Finding someone, for example, to pick up the kids from soccer practice while you bang out that last spreadsheet or presentation makes you a more productive and focused person. 


Another notion of uncertainty is equal portions. Many women assume that time needs to be split equally. To be more accurate, the time will be split equally in aggregate and not proportionately. There will be times when work and deadlines cannot get pushed aside and there will be times when a child’s needs will not be negotiable. The key is to evaluate your equal loads over a period of time, maybe even with your employer to find out what needs to be adjusted for better performance both as a professional and as a parent.

Lastly, you shouldn’t have to neglect your own needs. If you remember well enough the numerous times a stewardess has demonstrated the safety guidelines of flying (and the ridiculous amount of times we all need to see how to buckle up!), they stress in the event of an emergency to put on your oxygen mask FIRST. When you feel stretched thin the most may be the best time to set aside for yourself, regardless of your first instinct of not to do so. This may be, in fact, the moment when you need your “own time” the most. Get your rest and watch your health. Sleep, relaxation, and meditation exercises may be the most important to be aware of, as well as some daily physical activity. 


3 Work-life Balance Tips To Take Home

1. Don’t hold on to the guilt

Leaving the kids is not abandonment, it’s responsibility. Try to think of your time at work as taking care of the importance of raising a family and providing for those certain things your kids need like private tutoring, private day care, or a savings account. “The most successful career moms have found ways to be efficient in both worlds — and that requires being able to come to terms with choices and focus on the priorities that are in the moment,” says Lisa Pierson Weinberger, a lawyer and the founder of the website Mom, Esq.

2. Establish a good morning routine

Rushing out of the house with disorder and chaos is not the best circumstances to give that power presentation or interviewing your company’s key candidate.  Divide out the duties the night before of who will get the children dressed, buy groceries, cook meals, and clean up. Pack the kids lunches, lay out their clothes, and make sure everyone gets showered the night before. Make the morning as smooth a process as possible. “You should also decide what to make for breakfast, and repack the diaper bag, backpacks, purses, or work bags to be placed by the door, right next to your keys, so you can grab them and lock up on your way out,” suggests Amanda Wiss, the founder of Urban Clarity, a Brooklyn-based organizing service. 

3. Spend quality time with family activities

If it’s unavoidable and you are going to come in late or be away for several days on a business trip, spend time bonding with the time you have. Create an activity around daily routines and make it a family bonding experience. Create a family breakfast or dinner. Make the weekend a time to play board games together or go for a walk in the park. With older kids, find out what activities and events are scheduled and try to do them together. 


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