Why Recruiting Can Be The Most Colorful Profession

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Funny Recruiting Stories

Over the 11 years that LUXA’s HR team has been helping clients hire employees, we have experienced some unusual and funny interviews that we thought were worth sharing! 

An hr recruiting candidate’s colorful exit

A candidate full of positive energy and confidence took over the interview, talking the entire time and never allowing the interviewer a chance to speak.

After a lengthy speech from the candidate on his qualities and experiences, he stood up and closed the interview with “Thank you for your time, I trust you will find me to be the best candidate – if not, that’s OK, this was fun, good-bye” and walked right out.



One candidates response to being a tree

An interviewer liked to occasionally throw in an unusual question, just to gauge the candidate’s ability to react in a positive manner.

One question was “if you could be a tree, which one would you be, and why”.

Candidates would either reply with a smile or laugh, or seriously ponder the question but reply.

However, one candidate said “I wouldn’t want to be a tree, they get cut down”… The interviewer was not sure how to follow up on that response!



Why should we hire you?

A very qualified candidate appeared for his final interview.

The interview went very well, all questions were answered appropriately, and it was clear that the candidate was a viable hire. T

he last interview question asked was “why should we hire you?”.

The candidate paused for quite a while and then said “well, that’s a good question.

I’m not sure why you should, but I like to tell funny jokes, and my wife is tired of me being home all day with her – she doesn’t like my jokes”



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