Top 3 Experts To Help You Generate More Leads Online

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Finding the right marketing help for growth

How often have you searched for new ways to grow your business? Business leaders, at some point or another, reach this point in their growth cycle where producing new growth or retaining and renewing current clients is a struggle. How often have you looked at your sales reports concerned if your approach is off? What happens when you run your numbers and find your client renewal rates have dropped?

Finding solutions and understanding your sales process and retention plan is crucial to your business growth. Some businesses, regardless of size, find that sales and marketing methodologies have outpaced their resources. You might have had success in the past with cold calling, trade shows, networking events, and print advertising. However, if you are reading up to this point, you might be concerned to the point of exploring new strategies and ideas.

What is surfacing in today’s business climate is a gap in technology brought on by the changes in demand by the consumers themselves. Today, more than ever, the consumer has a new buying behavior fueled by the need for more information on demand. We, as consumers, have grown used to blocking out interruptive ads without even realizing it. Instead, we are being “courted”, if you will, by information companies with educative and informative content that draws us into a company’s information funnel. We feel understood and catered by a company that is transparent in their approach to earn our business.

The gap is coming from technology offering too many good things too fast. Digital marketing and SEO certified professionals are surfacing as the experts in the field but there is not enough of them to meet emerging demands. For many, just having a website and social media channels seems like a technological mountain to master. If you want someone to assess your needs you might consider the following 3 entities as values to reach your business growth goals.

Sales/Leadership Coaches

With extensive expertise in sales and sales processes, these guys are experts in understanding the sales strategies. Not only is it important to get leads, it is more important to close them. A sales coach can coach your sales team to get the most out of their time, use effective language, the follow-up process, and the closing method.  Your marketing is only part of the effort to convert new business. Sales performance is a key ingredient to success.

Web Design Consultants

Setting up a re-designing of your site is critical. Not only do you need a designer with outstanding design skills but you need one that can understand your audience and the way the copy on your site will tell your customer what to do next. Each page on your site needs to direct your customer as to why they visited in the first place and provide an actionable time that that the user can engage with. Keyword strategies and informative language as well as highly attractive visual concepts are key ingredients in the success of any website.

Inbound Marketing Agencies

Content marketing is being guided by the methods founded in inbound methodology. An inbound marketing agency can offer you the intelligence to protect and project your investment dollar. An inbound certified consultant is vested in developing a strategy from the ground up that develops content and utilizes the latest technological tools to promote that content. Imagine a way you can see who interacts with your site, what they like, what pages don’t get visited, and what offers bring in leads. That is the role of this type of marketing. Instead of pouring in thousands in “rented” physical space such as newspapers and magazines, your content is a full asset you own that has no end-date and lives and breathes on your site. Social media and email promotions, as well as a combination of off line activities, can bring your inbound campaign to life to generate your needed growth. Not only will it help attract visitors to your site but it can also help retain them. Inbound marketing can also develop reselling and education campaigns to upgrade or retain current business.

In some cases, all three are great to add to your marketing team to generate more leads online. In other cases, you need a more measured and methodical approach depending, on your marketing spend and urgency to grow. Working with one or all of the groups mentioned can get your business growth back to where you desire. Are you online yet?

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