Low Employee Morale Is What Happens When Companies Miss This

Tulsa Outsource HR Services

Have you noticed your employees unhappy at work? Has productivity taken a nose dive?

Maybe your employees are suffering from low morale.

Research shows that higher morale equals a lower turnover rate. Continue reading below to learn how to improve low employee morale.

1. Find out why

Talk one-on-one with your employees and really listen to their concerns.

Give surveys that your employees can take anonymously.

People may feel more comfortable giving their honest feedback when they are not afraid of retaliation.

Organize a group meeting where employees can voice their opinions in a group setting.

2. Show appreciation

Reward hard work.

Give incentives to employees that go above and beyond their role.

Say thank-you and not wait for performance review time. Everyone likes appreciation.

People don’t feel taken advantage of and feel valued in their job.

Giving a gift card, or buying lunch is a simple way to show appreciation. Or even just a simple thank-you card.

3. Offer a flex schedule

There is research that shows that a balanced work/life balance equals higher productivity.

Having a flexible schedule allows an employee to take care of their personal needs.

It also allows to have a life outside of work to pursue hobbies and personal enrichments.

Allow your employee to work from home if your employee can’t make it in the office.

They still can get their work done and not get behind, or rely on some else to do it.

4. Free training or education

Offer free training or help on tuition to complete a degree.

More training sharpens skills and increases knowledge to do a better job in their position.

Your employee will have more confidence to do a good job. Your talent pool will increase.

5. Have fun

Organize monthly events where team members can have fun with their co-workers.

Examples are bowling or going out for dinner after work.

Give paid time off to do community service. It strengthens solidarity while giving back to the community.

Now you know how to improve low employee morale. Implement these strategies today! For more information about this or anything else, please contact us.

(Sources: Small Business Chron, Entrepreneur, Business2community, and Ezinearticles.

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