Leadership in the workplace: How are servant leaders different?

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It is somewhat self-descriptive when we talk about servant leaders. The title “Servant” gives some of it away. Servant Leaders ascribe to the idea of being a servant first. There are a few specific things that servant leaders do perhaps a little differently that distinguishes them.


5 Ways a servant attitude impacts leadership styles in business

  1. Servant leaders are Empathetic – A servant leader has the ability to recognize and understand feelings and emotions that are experienced by their team.
  2. Listening – By paying complete attention to what others are saying, servant leaders are able to get a complete understanding of all interpersonal situations that they are dealing with.
  3. Awareness – Servant Leaders are completely aware of their strengths, weaknesses, values, emotions, and feelings. This self-awareness allows the servant leader to understand personal biases and set them aside while making decisions.
  4. Stewardship – A servant leader acts as a steward for the organization’s resources. They assume complete responsibility for planning and managing all available resources for the betterment and prosperity of the organization, employees, and stakeholders.
  5. Committed to growth of others – A servant leader takes it upon themselves to develop others. They are likely to help employees chart out a clear career path and provide them with resources to progress from one level to the next.

Becoming a servant leader is a life-changing decision. Whether you are a CEO or Small Group Leader, becoming a servant first can help you see great success and really connect with the people you serve.

At LUXA we support our business leaders through our on-site training and events. Most of our topics are centered around leadership in business. If you have any questions about leadership development and need guidance from our experienced staff, please contact us today!

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