Internal Audits: Why They’re Important

Outsourced HR in Tulsa

Internal audits are an important part of any business. They help to ensure that all operations are running smoothly and that employees are following company policies. Internal audits can also identify areas where improvements can be made.

In this blog post, we will discuss what internal audits are, the benefits of conducting them, and how to go about performing an internal audit.


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What Is An Internal Audit?

An internal audit is a process that allows businesses to examine their operations and compliance with policies and procedures. Both employees and outside professionals can conduct internal audits.

The goal of an internal audit is to identify any areas where improvements can be made, as well as to ensure that all operations are running smoothly. The benefits of conducting internal audits include:

Improving Employee Performance

Internal audits can help identify any areas where employees need more training. By providing employees with the necessary tools and resources, they will be better equipped to do their jobs effectively.

Identifying Potential Problems

Internal audits can help businesses identify potential problems before they become major issues. By identifying these problems early on, businesses can take steps to avoid them.

Ensuring Compliance with Policies and Procedures

Internal audits help to ensure that all employees are following company policies and procedures. This is important for maintaining a cohesive and compliant workplace.

How To Conduct An Internal Audit

There are a few different ways to conduct an internal audit. The most common method is to use either a questionnaire or a checklist. This document will outline the specific areas that you want to examine.

Another way to conduct an internal audit is by using interviews. This method involves interviewing employees and managers about their duties and responsibilities.

The final way to conduct an internal audit is by reviewing documents such as financial statements, invoices, and contracts.

Once you have decided on the method that you will be using, you need to develop a plan of action. This plan should include:

  • The objectives of the audit
  • The scope of the audit
  • The timeframe for the audit
  • The personnel who will be involved in the audit
  • Any resources that will be needed


Once the plan is in place, you can begin the audit. Be sure to keep track of all findings and recommendations so that you can follow up on them later.

Items to Include in Internal Audits

The following are some of the items that you should include in internal audits:

  • Financial Statements
  • Invoices
  • Contracts
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Employee Training Programs
  • Performance Reviews


As a business owner or CEO, it can be helpful to partner with an outsourcing firm during your auditing process to gain a fresh perspective on the inner workings of your company and to identify any areas for improvement.

How Often Should A Business Conduct Internal Audits?

There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the size and complexity of the business, as well as its compliance requirements. However, most experts recommend that businesses conduct internal audits at least once a year.

LUXA Enterprises specializes in HR services, outsource accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services. We match up with ideal candidates for services by allowing small to midsize businesses to increase focus on their growth through outsourcing. If you want to know how we can help you, contact us today!


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Call TEAM LUXA today at (918) 928-7288 to learn more about why outsourcing is right for you!

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