How To Raise Low Employee Morale From The Top Down

Tulsa Financial Reporting Services


Low employee morale is a common problem, especially in a small business where employees are deeply connected to the company.

And if it continues for a long amount of time, low morale has the potential to dramatically lower productivity and probability of success.

Though this problem does take lots of time and dedication to properly address, often the root is simple to identify–more often than not, low morale comes from the leaders in the company.

HR Questions About Low Employee Morale

The biggest way that leaders can negatively impact their co-workers is a lack of trust. 

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It is common for people at the top to take on or micromanage the responsibilities of their subordinates.

Not only does this cause the company owner to take on more work than he or she can handle, but it also causes employees to feel unvalued.

Ask yourself these questions to see if your leadership style is perpetrating negative attitudes:

  • Do I value my employees?
  • Am I frequently taking on too much work, or work that isn’t my own?
  • Do I work with my employees or above my employees?

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Leaders that don’t value their employees or give them enough responsibility contribute greatly to low morale.

Before you try to reform the people who are working for you, the first step is to try to change your own attitude. Then share it with your employees by doing the following:

  • Communicate directly with employees.
  • Celebrate the accomplishments of specific people.
  • Delegate tasks that aren’t in your job description.

Low morale doesn’t always come from leadership, but when it does, these steps are essential for fixing the problem.

With these three simple actions, your employees will notice a change in your attitude, and increased morale will follow. For more information and hr questions on the most productive ways to run your small business, contact us.

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