5 Ways Generating Leads Online Will Strengthen Your Brand

Tulsa Financial Reporting Services


You should add blogging to your marketing activities. No really.

Are you wondering if writing your own blogs will have any effect on your website traffic? I can sum this up in two words – absolutely yes. Writing articles is an added aspect to your website that converts your static website into a hub of information. If you have not implemented a blogging strategy for your business you are missing an opportunity to show how well your product or service stands out on its own.

Your customers today have adjusted to interruptive marketing strategies and are tuning them out. What businesses need today is a mix of strategies because traditional marketing is showing its ineffectiveness in bringing in business. 

So how does blogging do this?

Here are 5 reasons why blogging will increase site traffic:

1. Increase your organic traffic

Look at your traffic results today. Where are you getting your traffic from? Is it direct traffic, organic, referral, PPC (pay per click), off-line activities? Statistics show that more lead to customer conversions happen coming from organic traffic. How does this happen? Blogs and content marketing that is informative and educates your potential customer. 

2. Establishing expertise

Google is smarter than we give credit for. If you decide to start blogging you will need to conduct a keyword search of terms that make your content found on page 1 of the search engines. This is achievable by ranking and doing some SEO best practices but essentially you must have established credibility in the search engines as an expert in your content. This takes time and plenty of content but it is achievable withing a relatively short time. 

3. Answering your customers questions

You have to answer your customers reason for their search. When a prospect has a problem they go to their search engine and ask for anyone to help. Your content must start with your customers question and not on what you can offer. Many businesses still make the mistake to highlight what they can do without answering the customers questions. When in fact your customer will come back to your site if you are providing valuable and informative content, therefore increasing and qualifying your site traffic. Questions such as:

“What is glass repair?”

“How much does pool installation cost?”

“When should I replace my refrigerator?”

“Why does my electric bill go up in the summer?”

“Where can I find a chiropractor?” 


4. Providing education

How many times have you heard the same question over and over in your industry by prospects and customers about your product or service? How many stories have you heard from your sales department describing the countless times they have had to explain what your business provides and how it can solve their problems. Producing your own content is not only great for your site but your sales department can use articles as follow-up links in emails or to warm up a lead they came across.  

5. Measuring your content

How many times have your found yourself looking at your marketing spend for the past year and wondering how effective was your dollars spent? Many times you can purchase a newspaper ad and find that you have no idea who was able to read it and if it impacted their purchasing behavior at all. With developing your own content you can track and measure with much more accuracy how people engage with what you have published. It is far more effective and statistically the costs per customer conversion is far lower than traditional marketing.

Take some time to look into starting your blog because chances are your competitors have already started. You can look into your own staff and identify who can help you produce content. Above all, if you need direction from someone versed in online lead generation, they can be your best resource as they are experienced at showing you how to generate leads online as well as content mapping, ranking for search engines, and analyzing your traffic. 

LUXA Enterprises offers outsourced inbound marketing services for small and mid-size businesses in the Tulsa and surrounding areas. If you’re considering a short or long-term approach for your growth needs, give us a call for more information at 918-928-7288.


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