3 Lifestyle Patterns You Cannot Afford!

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At LUXA, we know that you can only achieve the success you are working towards when your personal and professional lives are balanced. We believe there are three key things that you can simply not afford: broken relationships, unhealthy lifestyles, and excessive company overhead. Let’s take a closer look at how each of these things can impact both your personal and professional life.

3 Lifestyle Patterns You Cannot Afford!

As we mentioned previously, we believe there are three lifestyle patterns that you simply cannot afford as a business owner or CEO. It is important to assess your life and identify any of these patterns that are restricting you from achieving your goals.

1. Broken Relationships

We need each other. When we have compromised relationships, whether personal or professional, life becomes much more complicated. Our friends, family, and even colleagues play an important role in our lives. We must work at keeping our relationships healthy, being humble and apologetic towards restoration when a rift occurs. You cannot afford to lose your close connections to the people you love who care for you.

2. Unhealthy Lifestyles

When we allow ourselves to fall into unhealthy lifestyles, failing to exercise or prioritize good nutrition, we become susceptible to illness. Additionally, a sedentary lifestyle will eventually lead to a higher level of stress — something that we should all avoid! You must work to prioritize your physical health and wellness by hydrating, maintaining a healthy diet, and exercising regularly. 

Sick bodies are expensive and bring a lot of harm to our lives and those around us. Sickness can impact our productivity, thus influencing the success of our business! You simply cannot afford to be sick.

3. Excessive Company Overhead

Finally, every business owner or CEO understands the importance of eliminating excessive company overhead. Excessive overhead in your business can creep up on you if you’re not careful. The total sum of your overhead should never be greater than your income. And, in order to be profitable, you must maintain a healthy margin between those two. Try to rethink how you are spending.

How you manage your back office, your accounting and HR services, will directly affect your profitability in the company. You may not experience the totality of your decisions, or non-decision, overnight. Eventually, however, the decisions you do make today will affect your sustainability and growth for tomorrow. You cannot afford to have excessive company overhead.

“You cannot afford to have a company back-office that is unstable. I’ve experienced companies and nonprofits who think they can just get by with a ‘wing it’ type philosophy when it comes to accounting and HR compliance. Untrained employees being asked to perform tasks outside of their training will often lead to a company downturn and sometimes, failure.”

– Frauke Petersen, LUXA Enterprises, CEO


We’ll demonstrate how you can save money while improving your efficiency and accuracy when you outsource your back office services to TEAM LUXA.
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What is LUXA’s Affordable Back Office™?

When you think about what you can afford, especially when it comes to your business, the first thing you likely think about is the financial impact, or how much something is going to cost you.

Afford: /əˈfôrd/  verb

to be able to do (something) without having problems or being seriously harmed. 

At LUXA, we know our pricing is reasonable. Beyond the monetary cost for accounting and HR services, the experience we bring to the table for our clients is affordable because of the potential harm we save them from when we do things accurately and within compliance. 

We understand the importance of making cost-effective business decisions, providing solutions that allow your company to achieve success. TEAM LUXA partners with business owners and CEOs, providing outsourcing services for some of the most important aspects of your business including accounting, bookkeeping, HR, and payroll administration services

Our team of professionals works to streamline your back office operations, improving both your accuracy and efficiency. This will not only allow you to lower overhead costs but will also minimize errors that would otherwise be costly.

At LUXA, we seek to serve business owners and CEOs by providing a better solution for many of the most frustrating aspects of daily operations. 

Holistic Tips for a Healthier Personal Life & Business

Business success is highly dependent on a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Listed below are several holistic action steps we encourage you to consider for a healthier personal life and business.

Be Quick to Apologize 

Apologize to others when you’ve offended them, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Grant them freedom, avoid control tactics and seek to understand those you love. Draw closer to them and refuse to allow a permanent rift to develop, resulting in a compromised relationship.

Prioritize Your Physical Health

Exercise regularly, eat a well-balanced diet complete with fruits, vegetables, and plant-based proteins, and drink plenty of H2O.

Many individuals are intimidated by the thought of daily exercise. Commit to taking a short walk on your lunch break each day! It’s amazing how a 20-30 minute walk every day will assist your physical health in the long haul. It will bring clarity of mind, too! 

When it comes to a healthy diet, it’s proven that plant-based protein will keep you trim and healthy. It even works to clean out and renew clogged arteries! By prioritizing your physical health, you will minimize the potential for illness or disease.

Lower Unnecessary Overhead

Search for areas of your business in which you can eliminate unnecessary overhead. Some of the most expensive areas of a business’s daily operations include payroll, insurance, employee training, and costly mistakes made by poorly trained employees. Many of these expenses can be quickly lowered by choosing to outsource the back-office operations of your business.

Go Virtual! Get Your Accounting in The Cloud

The post-COVID-19 environment in which we find ourselves continues to encourage working from home. CEOs should leverage this time to shift their daily operations to a hybrid-virtual model! Keep your most valued back-office employee and have them work alongside an outsourcing firm who can help you shift to an effecient cloud-based system. TEAM LUXA is ready to assist you in this endeavor!

Partner With TEAM LUXA Accounting & HR Experts

No longer do you need to face your back office challenges alone! TEAM LUXA is ready to partner with your business as it continues to grow and shift. By partnering with TEAM LUXA, you can ensure that you remain current with tax laws and HR compliance. This will eliminate costly errors. 

The outsourcing professionals at LUXA can provide you with up-to-date information regarding compliance issues. Additionally, they can ensure that you are ready for tax time with accurate accounting! Nothing is worse than a bookkeeping mess at tax time. Mistakes can cost your business hundreds of thousands of dollars and set back plans of expansion and growth.

Let LUXA Present a Plan!

You cannot afford to keep operating your accounting and back-office administration the way you have been!  There’s simply too much at stake. Why don’t you afford LUXA the opportunity to help you shift, implementing healthy decisions for your business?

Let’s face it – it’s hard to take the first step by allowing someone else to look at your books. It’s likely that you’ve avoided this for far too long. You need an expert to clean up your books as things are getting more complicated now that your business is growing faster. Don’t wait until an excessive error is found or someone is caught in fraudulent activity!

Let TEAM LUXA gently help you navigate the process of ensuring your bookkeeping is in compliance. We will help you know how to separate personal activity and business activity, building an affordable plan that prioritizes the growth of your business!


We’ll demonstrate how you can save money while improving your efficiency and accuracy when you outsource your back office services to TEAM LUXA.
Let Us Present A Plan →
LUXA Enterprises download brochure

Call TEAM LUXA today at (918) 928-7288 to learn more about why outsourcing is right for you!

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