3 Creative Ways To Ignite Low Employee Morale That Will Blow Your Mind

Outsource HR Services in Tulsa

Do your employees dread coming to work? Do you?

Low employee morale can affect all aspects of your business. Most people spend at least 8 hours at work, which is a third of our day!

Would you like your employees to look forward to coming to work each day?  

Before you consider spending time and money hiring new employees, invest in the ones you already have. It is actually easier to raise their morale than you think. Here are three quick ways to improve the morale at your small business.

Create a shared experience. 

An offsite event is a fun way to spark an increase in employee morale.

Seeing co-workers outside of the job site is a great way to make genuine personal connections. Take the team bowling or try an escape room adventure.

These are perfect first time activities for small work groups.

The most important thing is that everyone attends, so pick an activity that interests your employees.

Recognize employee milestones in a meaningful way. 

Celebrate professional events such as hire date anniversaries or sales goals and personal events such as birthdays or major life events (getting married, the birth of a child).

Make it personal and encourage other employees to join in the recognition.

Show your employees they are a valuable part of your team. This gives employees something to look forward to throughout the year.

Offer a unique perk each month.

Create a small budget that will allow you to offer a little something extra to your employees each month.

It could be a free pizza Friday, a gift card to the local coffee shop or an extra paid day off. Looking for more ideas?

Ask your employees! You may be surprised by what they want. Let them be a part of the process.  

Remember, we offer outsourced HR services, accounting and payroll support to help your small business stay focused on creating a work environment that everyone enjoys.

Contact us today for more hr solutions information.

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