10 Reasons You Should Invest in a Flexible Payroll Solution

Outsource Accounting in Tulsa

What does a flexible payroll solution mean to you? Like many small business owners, you are likely looking to spend less time managing your payroll administration processes. Outsourcing your payroll administration provides you with many benefits including the reassurance of knowing that your employees are paid accurately and on time, tax liens are processed appropriately, and forms are filed correctly. 

As one of the most time-consuming tasks of a business owner or CEO, outsourcing your payroll administration provides you with more time to accomplish the other tasks on your neverending to-do list. Here are the top ten reasons you should invest in a flexible payroll solution

1. Payroll Administration is Time Consuming

Remove the burden of payroll administration and management. This provides you with more time to focus on strategic planning and business development initiatives that will take your company to the next level.

2. Personal Support & Service

Having a dedicated professional who is familiar with you, your staff, and your business is invaluable. Utilizing a single point of contact with exceptional customer service and knowledge as it relates to payroll and your payroll system can be a lifesaver.

3. Eliminate Compliance Headaches

Payroll and tax laws are forever changing.  If you are like most business owners, you don’t have the time to sift through all of these to stay compliant. By investing in a flexible payroll solution, you eliminate the constant headaches caused by compliance issues.

4. Reduce Overhead Costs

If decreasing the overhead costs of staff in your human resources or payroll department interests you, you’re not alone! Outsourcing payroll administration is an easy and effective way to reduce the costs of running your business.

5. Avoid Penalties

Working with a dedicated payroll provider could save you from IRS or state agency penalties for late or inaccurate reporting.

6. Reduce Workload

Outsourcing your payroll needs when you have reached your maximum capacity is a great way to ease your workload. Refocus your efforts on other areas of your business that you truly enjoy.

7. Simplify Payroll Reporting 

Using accurate and timely payroll dashboard reports instead of your typical reports each pay period can help add value to your decision-making. With accurate and effective records, you can make more educated decisions regarding your greatest asset – your employees.

8. Increase Payroll Security

Payroll documents contain very sensitive information. It is your responsibility to ensure that your employees’ personal information is safe and secure! With a flexible payroll solution through a payroll expert, you can increase security and provide your employees with peace of mind.

9. Increase Accuracy & Efficiency

As a business owner or CEO, you understand the importance of accuracy and efficiency.  These qualities are especially true in the realm of payroll processing! Outsourcing your payroll results in a valuable assurance in your payroll practices.

10. Greater Peace of Mind

Many things occupy space in your mind. There is that sense of satisfaction and peace of mind knowing that your payroll is being managed efficiently, employees are paid correctly, and payroll taxes are being paid accurately.

When you find that you are spending valuable time on researching and solving complex payroll and tax compliance issues, it is time to consider investing in flexible payroll solutions. Doing so allows you to invest your time and energy in growing and managing your business. 


LUXA Enterprises specializes in HR services, outsource accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services. We match up with ideal candidates for services by allowing small to midsize businesses to increase focus on their growth through outsourcing. If you want to know how we can help you, contact us today!

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