Recruit Against the Competition: 5 Tips That Will Attract Employees

Outsourced HR in Tulsa

Recruiting is a difficult task. You have to find the right person at the right time, convince them that your company is the best place for them to work, and get them excited about joining you. This can be easier said than done when there are so many other companies out there vying for talent.

And it’s not just large corporations that are competing for talent – even smaller businesses want top employees too! So how do you attract new hires? Here are five tips that will help you recruit successfully against the competition.


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1) Find People Who Fit Your Culture

Hiring someone who isn’t a good cultural fit will make it more difficult for everyone involved in their onboarding process. Not only does this mean that they’re less likely to stay at the company long-term, but it means that their time with you won’t be as productive.

Start by identifying what kind of culture you want your business to have – take some time to think about this before committing yourself to a set way of thinking. Then, write down the behaviors and principles needed for success in each role within your company so everyone knows exactly how successful employees should act on a day-to-day basis.

2) Make Your Brand Recognizable

In the age of digital marketing, each business must have a strong brand that attracts talent from across different demographics. Every aspect of your business – from the colors you choose for your website to the tone in which you write job postings on social media – should be a representation of who you are and what kind of talent fits with that vision.

3) Show Off Your Company’s Culture

Make sure that your company culture is visible to every job seeker. Make sure potential hires can get a feel for what it would be like to work at your company before they apply – provide an inside look into the day-to-day lives of employees, go behind the scenes with videos and photos, or offer up a special day where job seekers can shadow employees in their roles. This will give potential hires the chance to learn more about what it would be like to work at your company, and also let them see how they fit into that environment before even applying!

4) Ensure That Your Company is Attractive

Your company should always be attractive to job seekers, whether your business is open for hiring or not. Potential hires want to know that the grass won’t be greener on their side of the fence if they don’t end up working at your company. Make sure you’re setting yourself apart from other companies by always demonstrating why they should choose you.

5) Promote Your Company as a Top Employer

This may be the most important tip on this list! Make sure that your company is recognized as an employer of choice. Include mentions of both employment and benefits in all marketing efforts. Make it easy for candidates to find you on either social media or through online job boards. Position yourself as a top place to work by offering up benefits that other companies don’t provide.

At LUXA, we know that the members of your team have the greatest impact on the success of your organization. By recruiting the top talent in your field, you can ensure that you have the best people creating and implementing innovative solutions to your business challenges.

LUXA Enterprises specializes in HR services, outsource accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll services. We match up with ideal candidates for services by allowing small to midsize businesses to increase focus on their growth through outsourcing. If you want to know how we can help you, contact us today!


We’ll demonstrate how you can save money while improving your efficiency and accuracy when you outsource your back office services to TEAM LUXA.
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Call TEAM LUXA today at (918) 928-7288 to learn more about why outsourcing is right for you!

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